
学历/Education:酒店管理或旅游本科及以上/Bachelor’s degree or above
户籍地/Household registration:不限/No limit
计算机能力/Computer ability:熟练/Skilled
驾照/Driver's license:C
语言/Language ability:普通话标准、英语流利/Standard Mandarin & Fluent English
性别及婚姻状况/Sex and marital status:不限/No limit
职位有效期/Validity period:before 18/03/2015
1. 落实项目发展战略,全面负责项目各项业务的营运管理及员工队伍管理。
2. 定期向管理公司汇报项目的营运状况与经营业绩。
3. 负责项目的运营过程管理。包括完成项目职能战略、构建文化特色、开发并拥有预期市场份额、提升核心业务增长率、管理人力资源与控制成本费用等。
4. 负责建立项目所需的高素质营运团队。
5. 依照新华海颐酒店集团发展战略及标准经营管理项目,提升集团化品牌优势。
6. 代表新华海颐酒店集团协调与相关利益人之间的关系。
7. 完成公司和上级领导交办的工作。
Job Description of Executive General Manager
1. Fully responsible for management on business and staff, making the hotel development strategy.
2. Reporting hotel business indicators and performance regularly to XHYEE Group.
3. Responsible for overall operations management, including to maximize revenue, increase occupancy rates, complete hotel's strategic plan, occupy and analysis base on the hospitality market, to open new business according to the local marketing needs as well as HR & cost control to be considered.
4. In charge of establishing a high-qualified hotel management team.
5. In accordance with XHYEE operating management standards, standing out the brand advantages.
6. Coordinating with XHYEE for sharing business information and maintain the relationships between XHYEE and the relative organizations.
7. Completing all the tasks within duties and assigned by the company & superiors.
1. 年龄35-50;有在五星级酒店副总经理岗位5年以上,或国内外知名酒店集团高管岗位3年以上的工作经历;有五星级酒店总经理岗位工作经验者优先。
2. 通晓酒店各部门经营管理工作,尤其是客房、餐饮、前厅等核心业务,充分理解酒店管理机制和程序。
3. 有较强的执行力、沟通协调能力和创新能力,有良好的团队意识和领导能力。
4. 熟练的英语听说读写能力,能娴熟使用现代办公软件。
Requirements of Executive General Manager:
1. Age 35-50,The working experience with 5-year deputy GM in 5-star hotels or 3-year senior executive of hotels management group is necessary.Same working experience as GM in the famous hotels at home and abroad is preferred.
2. Strong knowledge on all departments operation and management especially for rooms,restaurants, lobby and other key functions, well understanding of the hotel SOP and P&P.
3. Strong Executive force with communication skills,excellent team-work spirit and leadership skills.
4. Proficient English in verbal and writing & skillfully using modern office software.

1. 协助总经理制定项目经营管理计划,含部门营运与预算控制方案等。
2. 牵头完成项目确定的经营、发展目标,含市场、营运、财务控制指标等。
3. 参与制定并完善项目管理制度和流程,监督贯彻执行,确保优质服务水平。
4. 负责项目安全工作及设备设施维护,保证项目业务的正常开展。
5. 营造良好的工作氛围,践行企业文化,完成团队建设与人才培养任务。
6. 完成职责范围及上级交办的全部工作。
Job Description of Director of Marketing/Dining&Recreation/Housekeeping
1. Making the hotel management plan under the guidance of the GM, including the scheme of department operation and budget control.
2. Achieving the goals of the management & development defined by the hotel, including the index of marketing, operational and financial control.
3. Participating in making the management system and process.Supervising the implementation of the hotel SOP and P&P to ensure the quality of service level.
4. Responsible for the hotel security work and the equipment and facilities maintenance, to ensure the normal running of hotel business.
5. Creating favourable team atmosphere with the XHYEE corporate culture.Completing the tasks of team construction and the professional talent training.
6. Completing all the tasks within duties and assigned by the superiors.

1. 年龄30-45,具备良好的战略思维和抗压能力,执行力强,人际沟通能力强;能熟练使用办公软件;英文口语流利者优先。
2. 至少3年以上国内五星级品牌酒店部门正职工作经历,或2年以上国际高端品牌酒店部门正职工作经历。五星级酒店相关岗位在岗正职任职者优先。在知识储备、技术技巧、实践能力等达到上述同等经验人士程度经考评后酌情录用。
3. 具有较强的市场敏感度和信息捕捉能力,拥有良好的策划与数据分析能力。
Requirements of Directors:
1. Age 30-45,Strong executive ability & interpersonal communication,and also ownning good strategic thinking and nicely working abilities under the highly pressure. Bachelor’s Degree in relevant field required.Skillfully using modern office software. Excellent oral English preferred;
2. At least 3 years’ working experience of department manager in 5-star hotels of national hotel brand or 2 years’ working experience of department manager in 5-star hotels of international hotel brand is obligatory.The senior manager of 5-star hotel is preferred. Those owning the comparable and outstanding knowledge, skills and abilities can be taken into consideration on the basis of the strickly review process.
3. Strong ability of market sensitivity and information capture, with the good ability of planning & data analysis.
公司地址:中国成都市古中市街8号 Add:No.8,Guzhongshi Street,Chengdu,P.R.C.
公司官网/http://www.xhyee.com/ E-mail:1228601862@qq.com
联系人/CDO:江夏(Miss.Jiang) 咨询/Mob:13518108100
1. 新华海颐酒店集团本部高管、中管和专业技术人员招聘信息将择日公布,敬请关注。